Terms and Conditions


Please carefully read the Terms and Conditions contained in this document, since these provisions regulate the service of this website (hereinafter, the “page” or the “website”) that CLACLA RULES SL, hereinafter CLACLA RULES SL makes available. of users and, therefore, governs the contracting policy and general conditions of use of this company. We recommend that you read what is established in this document regularly since the conditions of use of this website may change.

However, certain users or services are subject to particular conditions that replace, complete or modify the terms and conditions established here and about which the user will be informed independently and which must be accepted before completing the provision of the service.

Throughout this page, the terms “we”, “our” and “profesorcbd” refer to CLACLA RULES SL and any of its subsidiaries, if any, and are used in the most appropriate way according to the context.

CLACLA RULES SL with registered office at Calle Juan de Mariana 15, 28045, Madrid and CIF number B88213863, is registered in the Commercial Registry of Madrid, volume 9,589, book 6,871, folio 188, page V-152,580. Email: hello@profesorcbd.com.

Access to the website is free except for the cost of the general Internet connection.

The use of the website attributes the status of user of the page (hereinafter, the 'User') and implies acceptance of all the conditions included in this Legal Notice.

The provision of the website service has a limited duration to the moment in which the User is connected to the page or to any of the services provided through it.


Any material or personal data sent to the CLACLA RULES SL website is protected by the company's privacy policy and by the protection of personal data set out in the Privacy Notice found on this same website.


All copyright, website content and other intellectual property rights that, by way of example and this not being a closed catalog: texts, photographs, graphics, images, icons, technology, software, links and other audiovisual content or sound content, as well as its graphic design and source codes (hereinafter, the “Contents”), are the intellectual property of CLACLA RULES SL or third parties. Therefore, they are not considered transferred nor the right to be used except to the extent that they are necessary for the use of the website. These contents incorporated into the website belong to CLACLA RULES SL and their use or abuse is prohibited unless the website indicates otherwise in specific content.



The User is obliged to make correct use of the website in accordance with the law, the terms and conditions policy and other notices that are generated on the page, responding to CLACLA RULES SL and third parties for their negligent use and must compensate. for damages and losses derived from this.

Likewise, using the website maliciously, damaging the interests, property or rights of other Users of CLACLA RULES SL or any other third party is expressly prohibited.

It is prohibited to carry out activities or acts that may be considered inappropriate or likely to be declared illegal under current legislation. Expressly and for information purposes, not being in any way a closed catalogue, we mention the following:

– Behaviors that violate the privacy policy of the website and current legislation on data protection. The website has a Legal Notice regarding the privacy policy that must be complied with by the users of the website, not being negligent in its use.

– Defame or slander natural persons, legal entities, employees or the company CLACLA RULES SL itself, violating these behaviors the constitutional right to honor, privacy, and good name; and any right that may be attacked under current legislation.

– Place or transmit unauthorized material that, in accordance with the policy of CLACLA RULES SL, may be understood as inappropriate or that violates the copyright, intellectual property rights and characteristics of other users or companies. Likewise, it is expressly prohibited to post or transmit any content that may be considered: racist, threatening, pornographic, or classified as illegal under the law.


The existing links on the CLACLA RULES SL website may direct you to other websites of companies other than ours and for which CLACLA RULES SL will not be responsible for their content, veracity and operation. Therefore, we recommend that you carefully read the terms and conditions of these pages and their legal and privacy notes, given that they do not have to be the same, or even similar, to those of our website.

In accordance with the legislation on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, Law 34/2,002, of July 12, establishes that the provider of intermediation services will only be responsible for the services included in this section to the extent in which you have knowledge of the content that is generated or shared therein.

Therefore, the user who introduces links on the website must ensure compliance with this document and all those that link and govern CLACLA RULES SL without the fact that claiming ignorance can avoid the responsibilities that arise from the negligent attitude of the user. user.


The User undertakes to use the Contents in accordance with the Law, hereby documents, conditions, regulations and instructions that may be applicable and also waives the following terms:

– Reproduce, copy, distribute, make available, publicly communicate, transform or modify the Contents except in cases authorized by law or expressly consented.

– Reproduce or copy for private use the Contents that may be considered Software or Database in accordance with current legislation on intellectual property, data protection, information society services and others that involve communication and dissemination. of the contents of the web.

– Extract and/or use the contents of the CLACLA RULES SL website and, expressly and in a purely informative manner without being considered a closed catalog, all information that can be classified as data.

Despite our efforts to provide and use means that ensure the accuracy, competence and other characteristics that we ensure the content contains, we do not assume any responsibility if it does not meet these qualities. This is because in some cases this accuracy does not depend on us. Therefore, the responsibility of CLACLA RULES SL for orders through our website is limited to the purchase price since the characteristics of the products are found in the instructions for use of said products while CLACLA RULES SL is limited to the marketing of said products and services.

Access to the website does not commit CLACLA RULES SL to verify the veracity, accuracy, suitability or timeliness of the information provided since the contents of this page are of a general nature in the terms permitted by law.

Likewise, we reserve the right to restrict, suspend or cancel, without prior notice and at any time, access to the website, part or materials.

CLACLA RULES SL, the website and third party collaborators in the creation, production and distribution are exempt from any responsibility for direct or incidental, indirect or any other type of damage, nor in matters of costs, losses or responsibilities of the change or use of the contents. of our website or another that you access through ours.

CLACLA RULES SL will not be responsible for updating the content of the page, material and services available. As reported at the beginning of this document, the page and, therefore, its material, is subject to modifications without the company being held responsible for these procedures. Therefore, we recommend that users access said conditions of use policy so that if it has been modified they can be informed about the new conditions.

Nor will CLACLA RULES SL be responsible for the access, use or downloads of materials from the website, said will being exclusively the user's and, therefore, at their own risk and expense, and cannot claim liability from CLACLA RULES SL for the adverse effects that these actions may cause. can derive.

Access to the website does not imply the obligation of CLACLA RULES SL to control the absence of viruses or any computer element that may cause damage to the user's equipment since the possession of programs and tools that prevent their transmission must be at the user's expense. .

Therefore, we are not responsible for any damage that may be caused to said equipment or to third parties.


Without prejudice to the provisions of the privacy policies accessible from the website in accordance with the data protection law, our website offers certain services for which the completion of personal data is necessary to be able to provide the service. For example, in terms of marketing and shipping products or for the purposes of maintaining communication channels to manage services.

Therefore, we understand how it cannot be otherwise that the information that the User fills out on the page and through forms generated on it are truthful and we commit ourselves as indicated in our privacy policy and the protection of data that will be used in accordance for the purpose strictly necessary to provide the service.

Likewise, the user must be responsible for keeping the information updated and communicating any changes in it, with the user himself being responsible if it is not true or incomplete and for any damages that may be caused to him or herself or to third parties as a consequence of this.


Access to the website is conditioned on access to the internet and communications networks and, therefore, CLACLA RULES SL will not be responsible for any damages that occur as a result of failure in the service of the internet connection or other networks necessary for access. to this website.



By placing an order through the website you are guaranteeing that you have the legal capacity to enter into binding contracts and that you are over 18 years of age.


The contract will be legally binding and will generate rights and obligations when:

– Confirm the purchase of products

– CLACLA RULES SL confirmed that we will sell you the product

– We receive the payment of the price and receive confirmation of the selected products, approximate delivery date and identification code of your order.

If you wish to modify the order once payment has been completed, you must:

– Contact us through the following email (email).

We reserve the right to refuse the sale of any product without having to tell you the reason for our decision. However, a notice will be generated through the ecommerce communication channels informing you that we will not honor your order.


If at the time of receiving the order notification we do not have an offer of the specific product available, you may be informed of another one with similar characteristics that can be considered as a substitute for this one. However, you can opt out of receiving notifications and product notices in the privacy policy in which you do not accept being sent notifications about these types of services.

If the product is out of stock but it is expected that it will be replaced in a period of less than 15 days, a notice will be generated informing you about this circumstance and you will be given the opportunity to continue with the purchase.

In this case, failure to comply with the established delivery times will be considered an exceptional circumstance and CLACLA RULES SL will not be responsible for said delay. However, you can request information about the status of your order at the following email: hello@profesorcbd.com.

Regarding the prices of products and services, it is expected that these may change prices, however, orders already placed will not be affected by such modification.

  1. PAY

CLACLA RULES SL uses Redsys to provide the safest experience.

Redsys uses connection encryption during the transmission of banking data over the network and provides security before, during and after the purchase.


We can deliver to the countries listed in the shipping address on the checkout page. However, to consult possible deliveries in other locations, you can consult CLACLA RULES SL at the following email: hello@profesorcbd.com.

When you receive the order confirmation you will be informed of the approximate delivery date. If it is not in stock but it is expected that we will have it soon, we will inform you about this circumstance and if you continue with the purchase, the delivery date may vary depending on this circumstance.

We use Correos as a shipping company. According to their procedures, when they cannot deliver the product either due to a failure in the address or because they cannot find anyone at the destination to take charge of the order, they will leave a note indicating that the delivery has been made without success and contact the who can come to pick up the product or find out when it is received again if requested by the user.

If the delivery process is delayed due to the user's negligence, an additional charge may be made for this purpose.

On the other hand, we are not responsible for delays or suspension of services due to force majeure, understood as such and without this implying a closed catalog: strikes, fires, natural disasters, epidemics, impossibility of using means of transport or communications or because legislation does not allow it.

These impeded periods in which the service cannot be performed will not be counted as such and the period to fulfill the obligation to deliver the good or service will be extended.


You can cancel or change the order up to 6 days after delivery of the product, although you must inform yourself in writing about this circumstance through the following email: hello@profesorcbd.com. The product must be complete and in identical circumstances in which it was received. You will examine the product and if there are signs of having been used, the return will not be processed.

If you cancel the order before delivery, we will refund the amount on the card with which you made the payment, less the shipping costs incurred and less the cost of collecting the product.


Communications with CLACLA RULES SL must be made through the following email: hello@profesorcbd.com indicating identification data and the reason. And it will be this same medium through which the response will be received within the period of three days following receipt of the email.


This website complies with the terms of the legislation on data protection and you can find information about it in the section of the website called “Privacy Policy”.


This website is aware of the risks and harms of the network and as a consequence controls the content that is published on it to the extent possible. However, if the user is aware of illegal, harmful, violent content, contrary to morality or public order, humiliating or similar content that may threaten the good name of natural or legal persons on our website, they may contact through it or through the following email hello@profesorcbd.com.


A recommendation for use/application is indicated on each product. This information is a recommendation provided by the manufacturer.

“This merchant undertakes not to allow any transaction that is illegal, or is considered by the credit card brands or the acquiring bank, which may or has the potential to damage their goodwill or negatively influence them. . The following activities are prohibited under the Card Brands programs: the sale or offer of a product or service that is not in full compliance with all laws applicable to the Buyer, Issuing Bank, Merchant, Cardholder, or cards.