The CBDPedia: a glossary of terms to understand everything

The confusion about CBD is real. With this glossary, we help you clarify the main terms that define the universe of the natural substance that is changing our lives. Only with quality information can you make good decisions.


Ancestral plant composed of more than 100 cannabinoids and 500 other natural compounds that are studied for their beneficial effects and properties. It is the generic name given to both hemp and marijuana.

Cannabis Sativa L

Species of the cannabis plant native to tropical climates. Its leaf has the classic shape that comes to mind when we think of a cannabis leaf.

Cannabis Indica

Another of the most popular cannabis species. These cannabis plants are common in India and Pakistan.


Cannabis variety belonging to the Cannabis Sativa species, which is characterized by its high amount of CBD and low amount of THC. Its use is industrial. Derived products are made with it, such as cosmetic products or pharmaceutical products.


Any strain of cannabis with high THC content. It is usually associated with recreational use.


Chemical substance present in the cannabis plant, also produced by our body naturally.

Chemical substances

They awaken unfounded fear in the population. Chemical substance is not synonymous with artificial. In fact, there is nothing more natural than chemistry: it is a homogeneous particle whose atoms cannot be divided. We are all made of chemistry. Cannabinoids too.


Specific name for cannabinoids that come from plants.


Abbreviation for tetrahydrocannabidiol. Cannabinoid found in cannabis and produces a psychoactive or euphoric effect.


Abbreviation for cannabidiol. One of the more than 100 cannabinoids that occur naturally in the cannabis plant. It does not produce psychoactive effects nor does it have significant side effects. Only some mild adverse effects have been described in rare cases, such as drowsiness or dry mouth. It is a safe substance.

Carbon dioxide extraction

The usual method by which phytochemicals are extracted from the cannabis plant. At certain temperatures, CO2 acts as a solvent, releasing the CBD from the plant matter.


Abbreviation for cannabigerol, other cannabinoids present in cannabis. It does not produce psychoactive effects.


Term used to define the cultivation of cannabis indoors (closed spaces). It results in premium CBD flowers, due to the exhaustive control of each of the factors that affect the harvest.


Term used to define cannabis cultivation in greenhouses: with natural light and other external challenges that growers usually manage successfully.

CBD Oil Isolate

CBD in its oil base. 100% pure. Popularly known as cannabis oil. No side effects. It is recommended to start with low doses.

Full Spectrum CBD Oil

In addition to CBD (protagonist of the formula), it contains other natural substances, such as CBG, CBN, CBC, terpenes or flavonoids. Popularly known as cannabis oil. In ProfessorCBD you will find a wide range of CBD-rich oil under the hakunaOil brand . No side effects. It is recommended to start with low doses.


Base used in high-quality CBD oils, due to their high levels of saturated fat (they are the vehicles that transport natural substances). Popularly known as coconut oil. In many cases, it is combined with other carrier oils, such as olive oil or hemp oil.


Natural aromatic hydrocarbons found in many plants. They are what give a plant its distinctive aroma and flavor.


Chemical compounds present in cannabis and other plants, known for their role in pigmentation. They influence the aroma of cannabis.

entourage effect

The phenomenon by which all compounds in the cannabis plant, such as cannabinoids and terpenes, work together synergistically to provide greater effects.

European certificates

The guarantee that a supplier of CBD products works with industrial hemp seeds approved by the European Union, such as Kompolti, or Fedora 17. The products marketed must have these certificates, as indicated by state laws.