
About us

Born of Necessity

When a mother feels unwell, a son moves mountains. That's what Borja Iribarne, founder and CEO of ProfesorCBD, did when his mother asked him for help in finding a natural remedy. Four years later, we are selling affordable, high-quality CBD products to the world. If something works so well, it has to be shared, right?

October 2018

ProfessorCBD was born, after the personal discovery of its CEO and founder, Borja Iribarne, who resorted to this substance to help his mother.

July 2019

What began as an e-commerce for CBD oils, has already incorporated eliquids and flowers (the latter, under the La Cordobesa brand). This wealth of formats consolidates us as the most complete CBD e-commerce on the market, according to the national press.

May 2020

During the coronavirus lockdown, CBD made a significant impact in Spanish households. At ProfesorCBD, there were days with orders every 14 minutes.

December 2020

hakunaOil, our own brand of CBD oils, is growing and incorporating a cosmetic line and a sports line to explore the benefits of CBD on the skin.

October 2021

Our European expansion begins. ProfessorCBD successfully lands in Italy, Germany, France, the United Kingdom and Portugal.

June 2022

The European Association for Economy and Competitiveness awarded us the Isaac Peral National Prize for Innovation, Research, and Science for the formulation of our hakunaOil Buenas Nochezzz oils.


We work every day to continue surprising you. Next milestone?

Wherever you tell us...

Borja Iribarne

is founder and CEO.

When he talks about CBD, the world stops. When he talks about pokes, too.

Nala is his inseparable Sancho Panza bitch.

Luis Pulido

is e-Commerce Manager.

There is only one thing that makes him lose sleep more than our website: a marathon of Tarantino movies.

Juan Barroso

is Director of Business Development.

Although it looks like it's going to sweep Monopoly, it's actually a chess crack.

Ana Garcia

is Director of Contents,

and collector of notebooks full of notes.

Tessa Serrate

is Marketing Assistant.

The soul of our cosmetic line, it doesn't make sculpting figurines with CBD hashish ugly either.

Carlos Diaz

is Chief Technology Officer,

and official researcher of the best coffee that is prepared in the surroundings of the office.

Our values


We treat you as we would like to be treated. Customer service and outreach are two pillars of our business.


We were the first CBD flower e-commerce in Spain to publish the analytics of each product, accessible on our packaging.


Everything that is sold is tested here. And if it does not pass the standards of excellence, to the drawer of 'what we will never sell'. All our crops are organic.


We will never give you the sheet. Better to make you laugh than to go intense. We sell CBD, not Quantum Physics courses.