Privacy Policy ProfessorCBD

“Privacy and data protection policy of CLACLA RULES SL”

CLACLA RULES SL respects and takes care of your personal data, guaranteeing your rights. If you deal with CLACLA RULES SL As a client, consumer or simply as a member of the general public, you have the right to the protection of your personal data.

This data will refer to: your name, telephone number, email address and date of birth.

CLACLA RULES SL will share your data with S TARTQUAKE SL for the exclusive purpose of carrying out the study. It is important to emphasize that STARTQUAKE SL is not responsible for data processing; These will only be shared for the exclusive purpose of carrying out the study in question.

In this General Privacy and Data Protection Policy of CLACLA RULES SL (hereinafter, “this Policy”) we describe what personal data is collected, how and why we collect your personal data, the management of this, with whom we share it, how we protect it and the decisions regarding the treatment that you can exercise over your data. personal.

This Policy applies to the processing of your personal data within the framework of various services, tools, applications, websites, portals, (online) sales promotions, marketing actions, sponsored social media platforms, etc. in the context of the exercise of our activity which consists of Retail Trade by mail or Internet, hereinafter “the activity”.

Whenever your personal data is necessary and collected for the exercise of the activity in accordance with the above, it will be communicated through the privacy notices.

This Policy applies to all your personal data collected by CLACLA RULES SL and referred to in this Policy, in such a way that, if you accept it, you agree that we process your data in the manner and conditions established below.


Identity of the person responsible CLACLA RULES SL
NIF/CIF B88213863
Address Juan de Mariana 15, 28045, MADRID
Email (subject “Data Protection”) HELLO@PROFESORCBD.COM
Activity Retail trade by mail order or Internet


CLACLA RULES SL It has a data protection contact so that you can go to this contact and direct questions or requests related to our company's Policy, privacy notices and the processing of your personal data.

For any questions, requests or complaints regarding the application of this Policy or to exercise your rights as described in this Policy, you may contact us at the Data Protection Contact Point: HELLO@PROFESORCBD.COM. 

To exercise your rights, you must provide a copy of your NIF/DNI/CIF to identify yourself.


We value the personal data that you have entrusted to us and we undertake to treat it in accordance with the following principles that CLACLA RULES SL applies:

• Legality: We will only collect your Personal Data for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes, and we will not process your personal data in a manner incompatible with the aforementioned purposes.

• Legality: in accordance with article 6 of the General Data Protection Regulation, your personal data will be managed as long as you express your express consent for the processing of said data as a form of externalization of your will and free and informed consent. Your personal data may be necessary to formalize a contract, agreement or service, to which the interested party is a party, to comply with legal obligations, to protect vital interests of the interested party and another natural person, to fulfill a mission of public interest or in the exercise of public powers conferred on the data controller or that satisfies the legitimate interests pursued by the data controller when these do not violate the fundamental rights and freedoms of the interested party or the protection of personal data of the interested party.

• Loyalty and transparency: in accordance with article 5 of the General Data Protection Regulation as a manifestation of transparency and proof of this is that the interested party is informed of the existence of the processing operation and its purposes.

• Data minimization: we limit the collection of personal data to what is strictly relevant and necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.

• Limitation of Purpose: we will only collect your personal data for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes, and that we maintain in the way we process it.

• Accuracy: We will keep your personal data accurate and up to date.

• Data Security: we apply the appropriate technical and organizational measures to guarantee the appropriate level of security taking into account the risks and nature of the data in order to prevent it from being disclosed or unauthorized personnel from accessing it, or against any loss or alteration. In short, any form of illicit treatment.

• Access and Rectification: the client, consumer or any person who, having generated their consent for the collection of data, wishes to request any management regarding the treatment, is recognized and may exercise: the right of access, rectification, opposition, deletion, limitation of treatment, portability and not being subject to individualized decisions. Its exercise will be free and said request will be corrected within a period of one month to be extended for another two months taking into account exceptional circumstances such as: number of requests, complexity, or others of a similar nature. Point 14 of this document provides information on how to exercise these rights and the means and channels through which we will make your request effective.

• Principle of limitation of the conservation period: the data will be kept for the time necessary and for the purposes of the treatment without undue delay, and during which, the data of the users and clients will be available to them when they request it.

• International transfers: We do not carry out international data transfers, but if they are carried out we will guarantee that all personal data transferred outside the European Union is adequately protected and in accordance with the legislation of the country and the European Union.

• Third parties: we will ensure that access and transfer of personal data to third parties will be in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and with appropriate contractual guarantees.

• Direct Marketing and cookies: we will ensure compliance with applicable legislation regarding advertising and cookies.

PROFESORCBD.COM “cookie” policy

This website uses its own and third-party “cookies” with the sole purpose of improving the user experience.

By continuing to browse our website, you accept the use of these cookies. They can be deleted at any time through the settings of the browser used.

What is a “cookie”?

A “cookie” is a small piece of information sent by a website and stored in the user's browser, so that the website can check the user's previous activity. In this way, and as an example of the use of "cookies", if the user has used a specific language on their first visit, the second time they access the website, they will do so in the language they selected on their first visit.

As mentioned at the beginning, the use of “cookies” is intended solely and exclusively to improve the user's browsing experience of the website.

What application does PROFESORCBD.COM AS A CLACLA RULES SL WEBSITE use to manage and improve navigation?

At PROFESORCBD.COM we use the Google Analytics tool developed by Google to analyze navigation information and improve the user experience.

You can find more information about this tool at the following link:

This tool does not obtain user data such as names and surnames, or postal addresses. The information provided by this application refers to the number of pages visited, the URL of origin, language, time and recurrence of visits, etc.

To manage the “cookies” installed on your computer, you can do so using the configuration options of the browser you have installed.


Whenever we request your Personal Data, you will be informed of what we collect through a Privacy Notice generated specifically so that you grant us express consent regarding such collection and processing.

There is data that must be collected and stored in accordance with current legislation and about which you will be informed.


We only process your personal data for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes, and we will not process your personal data in a way that is incompatible with those purposes.

This purpose may be the execution of an order you have placed, the improvement of your visit to one of our websites or portals, the improvement of our products and services in general, the offer of services or applications, communications and marketing actions, etc

The purpose of each processing of your personal data will be clearly defined in the specific privacy notice related to that particular processing and which can be accessed through the electronic means from which you are informed (website, application, etc.).


It is important for us to keep the record of your personal data up to date. Please inform us of any changes or errors in your personal data as soon as possible by contacting us at the Data Protection Contact Point: HELLO@PROFESORCBD.COM

We will take reasonable steps to ensure that any incorrect information about your data is removed or amended.


You may access the personal data we hold about you upon request by notifying the Data Protection Contact Point: HELLO@PROFESORCBD.COM and, if such personal data is inaccurate or incomplete, to request rectification or cancellation of such personal data.


In accordance with data protection legislation, your data will be kept for as long as necessary to comply with the provisions of the applicable legislation or for the purposes for which it is processed, as explained throughout the Policy. .

For information on how long personal data will be stored before deleting it from our systems and databases, please contact us at the Data Protection Contact Point: HELLO@PROFESORCBD.COM


CLACLA RULES SL has a set of technical and organizational security measures to protect your Personal Data against illegal or unauthorized access or use, as well as against accidental loss or damage to its integrity.

These have been designed taking into account the infrastructure of CLACLA RULES SL and the programs and processing that it uses, the possible impact on your privacy and the possible consequences of a failure in security systems in accordance with current industry standards and practices.

Your personal data may only be processed by a third party if the Data Processor undertakes to adopt the technical and organizational measures that are necessary to comply with the security commitment in the processing of the data, thus protecting the confidentiality, integrity and availability of these data. . At and we have an SSL security certificate.


This website does not transfer data to third parties except:

– As required by law or as legally necessary to protect CLACLA RULES SL.

– To comply with the law, requests from authorities, court orders, legal procedures, obligations related to reporting and submission of information to authorities, etc.

– To verify or enforce the policies and agreements of CLACLA RULES SL

– To protect the rights, property or safety of CLACLA RULES SL and its clients.


Your personal data will not be transferred to recipients outside the European Union and, if this is done and said countries do not have the security measures and guarantees of our legislation, CLACLA RULES SL undertakes to implement the appropriate security measures and controls. to adapt the level of security to which we offer.

Furthermore, if this is the case, the user will be notified through a separate privacy notice that will be included in the communication media of CLACLA RULES SL and its website, such as, for example, in emails, offers or any means or communication channel. that mediates between the user and CLACLA RULES SL.


In order to comply with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data, and following the Recommendations and Instructions issued by the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD), CLACLA RULES SL informs you: That there is the possibility of making communications through instant messaging systems such as Whatsapp in order to streamline the management of the contracted services, commercial communications or informative communications. By accepting this privacy policy you agree to us contacting you through this channel.


The requirements of this Policy complement, and do not replace, any other requirements under applicable data protection legislation. In the event of a contradiction between what is written in this Policy and the requirements in the applicable data protection law, the applicable data protection regulations will take priority.

CLACLA RULES SL may modify this Policy at any time. When this occurs, we will notify you of any changes and ask you to re-read the most recent version of our Policy and confirm your acceptance. You may also check this Policy periodically on our website, where it will be visible.



Article 15 of the General Data Protection Regulation recognizes the right of the interested party to know whether or not their personal data is being processed and the purposes of the processing, the categories of data, the recipients, the origin of the data, the conservation period. and the criteria to determine said period. Thus, the data controller will provide a copy of the personal data being processed in electronic format upon submission of the request.

They may also request from the person responsible: rectification, deletion or limitation of data and processing.

In order to make it easier for the user to exercise this right, we provide the form that you must complete for your request through the following link:


Article 16 and 17 of the General Data Protection Regulation establishes in matters of rectification and deletion of personal data that the client or user requests the rectification of their personal data because they consider them to be inaccurate or for them to be completed or deleted because they are not necessary. for the purposes for which they were collected and processed.

In order to make it easier for the user to exercise this right, we provide the form that you must complete for your request through the following link:


The interested party will have the right to obtain from the controller the limitation of data processing whenever he or she disputes the accuracy of the personal data. That is, the data may only be processed, with the exception of its conservation, with the consent of the interested party, for the exercise or defense of claims, to protect the rights of another natural or legal person or for reasons of public interest of the Union or of a particular Member State. In addition, this will be informed by the person responsible before lifting said limitation.

In order to make it easier for the user to exercise this right, we provide the form that you must complete for your request through the following link:


Article 20 of the General Data Protection Regulation recognizes the right of the interested party to receive the personal data that concerns him, that is, it is transmitted directly from controller to controller whenever technically possible, in a structured format, commonly used and read. mechanically without being prevented by the person responsible to whom it was provided, when the consent has been expressly externalized or mediated by a contract.

In order to make it easier for the user to exercise this right, we provide the form that you must complete for your request through the following link:


The data collected will be stored in different files in order to organize them and be able to process them efficiently, maintaining security levels according to their sensitivity.

The data collected will be stored in:

– Non-automated files: they will collect data sets non-automatically on physical media.

– Automated files: they cover data automatically and in this way are managed through programs, computer equipment and others of a similar nature.

These in turn must be protected according to their relevance by different levels of security as described in the Privacy Policy and which can be accessed through our website.