Shall we change history together?
At ProfessorCBD and ETERNA Diagnostics we are preparing an innovative study on the effects of CBD on biological age and we want you to be part of it. You will get a reward valued at €390.

1. What does it consist of?
We are looking for volunteers who are passionate about health and longevity willing to use our hakunaOil oil for 3 months and wear a smartwatch with the ETERNA Diagnostics app, with which they can monitor how CBD affects their biological age.

2. What is biological age?
Biological age is data that reflects the general condition of your body, regardless of the age indicated on your ID. It is the tip of the icerberg of some chronic diseases, so knowing it (and improving it) is a fundamental pillar to cultivate good health.

3. What is ETERNA Diagnostics?
It is a pioneering biotech company in aging monitoring that has developed an app capable of measuring biological age (and that you can now enjoy). Our collaboration stems from the interest of both parties in knowing how the daily use of CBD improves the indicators of our biological age.

4. What requirements must I meet to participate?
To participate in the study, titled 'ETHEREA, Translational and Holistic Study of Aging in Relation to Diseases and Activity', you need to have your own smartwatch and fill out the questionnaire by clicking on the button below: doing so will take you between 6 and 10 minutes. Your data will only be seen by the scientific team.

5. Which scientists are leading the study?
The study is led by Marcos Ladreda, member of the Cambridge Judge Business School and discoverer of molecules for different diseases. And it has the participation of Mario Fraga, director of the Cancer Epigenetics and Nanomedicine laboratory, of the University Center of Oncology of the Principality of Asturias.

6. Will I get any reward in return?
Yes. In addition to contributing to the advancement of science and the understanding of the effects of CBD on health, you will obtain personalized information on your biological age through a free subscription to the ETERNA Diagnostics app during the three months of the study, valued at €89.97, free CBD for that period and an extra hakunaOil 30% CBD oil as a gift. Each jar has a price of €99.95. In total, the value of your reward amounts to €390!