Our hakunaOil CBD oils They are Full Spectrum oils, with the exception of peppermint oil , with cannabidiol (CBD) concentrations of between 5 and 30% . The fact that they are Full Spectrum oils means that, in addition to being rich in CBD, they contain a wide variety of cannabinoids non-psychoactive, in addition to terpenes, flavonoids and phytosterols. The industrial hemp from which our CBD comes has been cultivated under the criteria of the organic seal , which guarantees that the vegetable has grown in soil rich in quality nutrients and, therefore, has absorbed many of them. Our CBD oils meet these needs, but there is much more.
Triple base. CBD or cannabidiol is dissolved in an oil base for ease of use. Now, what happens if you take advantage of that base to provide added values to the product? This is what happens with the hakunaOil formula. Our triple base is totally unique in the market, and is made up of olive oil, hemp oil and MCT oil .
Added tocopherol. To all this we have added tocopherol or vitamin E , which makes the formula even richer. Its synergy with CBD reinforces the action of the natural super ingredient.
Preparation mode. Our way of making oils is much more expensive than that of other manufacturers who go for bargains without efficiency. However, although it may raise the price, it is the only way to guarantee the effects of CBD oils . The hakunaOil formula respects the richness of cannabis. As? Instead of upping the percentage of an oil by pouring CBD isolate, we use a distillate of 85% CBD and other cannabinoids, such as CBG or CBN, and dilute it in an oil base. That is, the proportions of the rest of the cannabinoid are respected, to cause the entourage effect of all of them. (a joint action that multiplies benefits).
The wealth of GABA. hakunaOil has been a pioneer in adding this natural neurotransmitter to CBD oils in your Good Nightzzz line . This original formulation has earned him the Isaac Peral National Prize for Science and Research. to ProfessorCBD.
What do they look and smell like? Our oils are dark, due to the large amount of natural substances they contain. In the case of GABA, the jar must be stirred for the mixture to occur. Its aroma is powerful, hempy.

Let's talk about terpenes. Because they are important? Terpenes are the largest and most diverse class of natural substances known. It is believed that plants developed them to protect themselves from predators and attract pollinators. In addition, they are responsible for the aforementioned aroma: cannabinoids are odorless. They know each other more than 400 terpenes that define the olfactory notes of hemp . They are thought to optimize the effects of CBD.
A quality isolated oil. Despite all the benefits of Full Spectrum, there are those who prefer a CBD oil isolate (cannabidiol in its oil base and nothing else), to guarantee, for example, a 0% THC. For them, we have launched our 10% CBD oil hakunaOil Mint Aroma, with the same quality standards, although fewer natural compounds. As we say at ProfessorCBD, everyone has the right to its extra safety , despite the fact that none of our Full Spectrum oils ever exceed the 0.2% THC allowed by Law. In addition, those who do not like the smell of hemp find a fabulous alternative in mint. It is the favorite of professional athletes and State security forces.