Todo sobre los Terpenos: Qué son y para qué sirven

All about Terpenes: What they are and what they are for

Why does a good tomato smell like heaven? What olfactory essences does jasmine have to delight us in this way? The answer to these questions lies in terpenes, a group of organic compounds (specifically, they are essential oils), present in all plants, but also in flowers, fruits and other plant species, responsible for their aroma. Cannabis plants, of course, also contain them: at least up to 140. Depending on their combination and variety, this essential oil gives the bud a sweet or citric, powerful or soft, fresh or earthy aroma. In nature there are up to 20,000 different terpenes.

The types of terpenes of each variety depend on its genetics, but also on the type of crop, the soil or the climatic conditions in which the plant grows, because these chemical compounds will adapt to the environments to thrive. Therefore, the Flowers grown indoors , for example, where the climate is controlled by the producers, present a greater richness in their terpene profile, which provides more complex aromas rich in nuances.

The production of terpenes happens in the trichomes and, in addition to giving the plant its scent, they protect it from insects and attract pollinators. CBD products may contain terpenes from industrial hemp: a terpene content greater than 0.05% is already considered relevant.

Finally, the joint action of these essential oils together with CBD enhances the effects of the latter, a mechanism known as the entourage effect. This is why we often recommend the Full Spectrum oils (in addition to CBD, they are rich in terpenes and other cannabinoids). At hakunaOil you will find a wide range of these oils, with high concentrations of CBD .

The most common terpenes present in the cannabis plant are:

Myrcene. Probably the dominant terpene in many cannabis strains. It has aromas of hops, musk, cloves, herbs and citrus. It is also present in hops, eucalyptus, mango, thyme, lemongrass or bay leaves.

Beta-caryophyllene. This essential oil provides a peppery, spicy and woody aroma. Present in pepper, cinnamon, cloves, hops, basil and oregano.

Linalool. Floral, citrus and spice aroma. It's in lavender, bergamot mint and coriander.

Limonene. Citrus aroma, similar to lemons and oranges. It is also found in these two fruits, tangerines and limes.

Pinene. It provides a fresh and resinous aroma of pine forest. Present in rosemary, pine, juniper, sage and several species of conifers.

Caryofillene. It gives off a spicy, spicy aroma, similar to black pepper. It is found in cloves, black pepper, rosemary and basil.

Ocimene. Sweet and herbal smell, with notes of mint. You will also find it in mint, basil or mango.

Terpinolene. It has a pine, floral smell with citrus touches. It is in chamomile, dill, nutmeg and apples.

There are, as we have said, more than one hundred aromatic compounds, but these are some of the most common. The richness of aromas they provide is one of the great attractions of CBD flowers, since it is well known that the olfactory notes transport us to pleasant moments and emotions. Each plant has a wide variety of terpenes, in lesser or greater proportions, all related to nature and the most essential well-being.

Tricks to recognize a CBD flower rich in terpenes

  1. Follow your nose. A CBD flower rich in terpenes will have an intense and distinctive fragrance. Look for flowers that emit a strong, complex aroma, with a mix of citrus, spices, herbs or fruits.
  2. Observe the appearance. A CBD flower rich in terpenes has a powerful appearance, with vibrant colors and trichomes (popularly called flower hairs) well visible.
  3. Research the strain. Although, as we have said, terpene profiles vary depending on the growing circumstances, there are varieties of cannabis that, due to genetics, tend to be rich in terpenes, such as, for example, OG Kush , whose main terpenes are caryophyllene, limonene, myrcene, pinene and menthol.

Otherwise, each person has their preferences. terpenic in the cannabis plant, in the same way that some of us love the smell of banana and others are repelled by it. Try, experiment and enjoy. Your senses will thank you. Cannabis terpenes, like CBD, lack psychoactive effects.